Friday, June 27, 2014

Forgotten Desert

This is Animal Jam's first ever eagle adventure, there is no hard mode yet (I'm not sure if there will be one or will not be one.) When you enter this adventure Liza, the panda alpha will tell you you need to search the forgotten desert for crystal shards that will help keep the phantoms out (don't worry if you don't find/get all of them you don't HAVE to get all of them.) There are 5 crystal shards green, yellow, sapphire, silver, and amethyst. Once you find all of one color shard a treasure chest will appear. Green are probably the easiest they can be found on the ground or on the water's surface. Yellow can be found by sparkles in the sand or water. Sapphire can be found by getting a water can, finding a dried up oasis, and watering it, then and only then will the sapphire gem appear. Silver can be found by sitting on cactuses that are glowing, when you sit on it a patterned circle will appear around you and the white gem will appear on your left. Amethyst is nearly impossible to get all, though I have seen videos where some people have gotten all of them, you need for people to get all five, you get them by finding a big rock with four glowing eagle talon marks on it then once all four people do that an arrow will appear, telling you which direction to go next, then after 6 or 7 more times of following the arrow you will have to find a new one of those rocks if you want to continue with finding amethyst. Here are some of the prizes I have gotten from this adventure: a long bow, a black short spiked collar, 3 spiked wristbands, lots of top hats, a bubbletron 5000, and a lot of other accsessories or den items. Hope this helps and good luck

Bubble Trouble underwater adventure: prize guide

Hard Mode
Normal Mode
In Bubble Trouble ( animal jam's first underwater adventure) you meet Liza, the panda alpha on a shore she will tell you that the underwater phantoms have captured 4 dolphins. Then to clear away the phantom guck you swirl around the circle of bubbles, but for some pipes you need a valve, which you can find. Then you will get a key on the other side or the pipe. There is also a dolphin passage located west of the 3 trapped dolphins. When you free all of the dolphins, the once trapped dolphins will help you open up a tunnel to escape. Make sure you watch out for the phantom coral, it can make you lose a life. So here are the prizes for NORMAL MODE: TOP LEFT is OCEAN TREASURE CHEST, TOP MIDDLE is 1,000 GEMS, TOP RIGHT is REEF CORAL, BOTTOM LEFT is CHOMPER CLAM, BOTTOM RIGHT is PHANTOM CORAL. Okay so those are all the prizes for normal mode. Now the prizes for HARD MODE are: TOP LEFT is PHANTOM PIPE AND VALVE, TOP MIDDLE is LARGE HATCH, TOP RIGHT is PHANTOM KEY, BOTTOM LEFT is 1,250 GEMS, BOTTOM RIGHT is PHANTOM TRAP. So, those are all the prizes for Bubble Trouble. Thanks for reading hope this helps and good luck!
Dolphin Passage